| Mr. Stanley Mussington |
Mr. Mussington delivered a well-researched address on, and analysis of, the Importance of an Effective Pest Control Programme as captioned above. That address is printed below, given its significance to public awareness of vector control, and the cleanliness and protection ofAnguilla for its people and as a tourist destination. To me the importance of an effective Pest Control Programme cannot be over-emphasized. You may ask what are some of these insects? We have mosquitoes (such as anopheles, culex and aedes aegypti), cockroaches, houseflies, tsetse flies, bed bugs, jigger flies, lice, rodents, ticks, ants, termites – these are only a few. Thanks to numerous discoveries in medical technology. People are living longer, more productive lives. Unfortunately, there are still some vector-borne diseases, such as West Nile Virus and Dengue Fever, for which there is no effective cure. Vector control remains the only way to protect people. Sometimes even where there is effective treatment, the high cost remains a barrier. Despite being treatable Malaria, which is transmitted by the anopheles mosquito has the greatest impact on health from vectors. According to the World Health Organization, 2010 Malaria Fact Sheet, one child died every 45 seconds from Malaria in Africa. A little closer home – think of Dengue Fever which occurs in tropical regions such as Anguilla. The culprit – the aedes aegypti can be found breeding and living in and around our homes – in cisterns, tanks, flower pots, buckets, stagnant pools and even water holes near human habitation. I am sure some of us can relate to the pain and suffering resulting from Dengue Fever. The importance of an effective Pest Control Programme, example cockroach, lies not only in the effect on roaches, but also the impact on the Health Services. Pests are not only responsible for suffering and death but also psychological stress on the old, young, physically challenged and even the well. The economic loss due to illness – less working hours, in and out patient bills. The overall loss due to sickness can significantly reduce personal savings or a country’s health budget. Roaches also damage furniture, equipment, clothing, books – and the list goes on. In addition to hurricanes, floods, global warming, fires, tsunamis, droughts, wars and other man made disasters, pests also destroy food. They are famous for destroying and contaminating food in the field, barns, food left out to dry, in food stores, and in our kitchens. This is particularly challenging to health officials because the whole object of food hygiene is to ensure that food is delivered to the consumer in as wholesome and nutritious a state as is practicable. For this to happen we must do all in our power to prevent food contamination by pests such as roaches. I believe that at no time has the need for conservation of food supplies been more urgent than now. We hear of food shortages in many places daily. Some of the hallmarks of an effective programme can be found in the planning and evaluation process – identifying needs and priorities, setting aims and objectives, deciding the way forward, identifying resources, evaluation, action plan and finally action. All of the above are very important, however, let us think not only on the importance, but on the foundation of an effective pest control example, Cock Roach Programme. One of the keys to success in any community orientated programme is something called Community Involvement in Health. In order for a programme to be effective, the people must be encouraged to think and act for themselves. The role of the people is so vital that it should be the subject of another address. You must provide people with appropriate information and training to enhance their support. Roaches are usually found in kitchens and other places where food is prepared or stored. They tend to hide in cracks, crevices and in dark places behind or under objects particularly where there is warmth. When you consider the feeding habits of the roach, and the role they play in the transmission of diarrheal diseases, you realize they are not welcome guests. An excellent start in the control of roaches is scrupulous cleanliness, proper disposal of refuse, human and other animal waste, and the protection of food. However, an effective coachroach control programme is necessary. This is true because of the level of infestation, negative message roaches presence gives, the potential harm they can cause and the ugly picture their breeding sites present. Anguilla is a top tourist destination and we must keep our little island clean not only for tourist but ourselves. One of the spinoffs from an effective cockroach control programme would be an even cleaner Anguilla. We have come a long way in our refuse disposal. I remember the day when we were allowed to hire a truck one day per month to collect refuse. Then the British gave us our first garbage truck – a most welcomed gift. Today we have an average of two collections per week. Our Government is doing its part but it is up to us as individuals and communities to do our part. We must take a greater responsibility for our own health. We have to deny insects, such as roaches, the warmth and food found in our kitchen, cupboard, human and animal waste and refuse in general. Reduce the number of cracks and crevices where they hide. An effective cockroach control programme would drive home further the need for: cleaner homes and surroundings, protection of food, proper disposal of refuse, proper disposal of human and animal waste; adequate size garbage bins with tight fitting covers. I know that some insecticides are effective but this must be accompanied by cleaning on a regular basis. To further enhance the success of the programme, we must find out who are the stakeholders. Never forget your Minister – and the whole notion of political will – your co-workers, community leaders, and other influential persons and groups. Since the programme is targeting cockroaches, provide them with some basic facts on identification, egg laying, breeding, and feeding habits – basic things that individuals and communities should know and do to control cockroaches at home and at work. An effective Cockroach Control Programme is one that encourages communities to contribute resources and manpower. This not only builds self esteem but it encourages a sense of ownership and responsibility. Remember a successful community is one that contributes to its development. People must be seen as a country’s greatest resource. A programme such as this should continue to operate in an effective manner well after external or Government funding has dried up or diminished. It is one that avoids the conflict between health directed needs, as determined by health officials, and health related needs as determined by the local people themselves. An effective Cockroach Control Programme would leave in place a capable organization which, with some changes, can take on other pest control programmes. It would significantly reduce or eliminate the presence of cockroaches, the diseases they carry, the suffering, pain, deaths and economic loss and provide for the proper disposal of household waste. Another plus that should derive from such a programme is to make Anguilla, not only a top destination, but the cleanest destination. I salute the fact that modern technology has saved many lives. However, the number of lives saved by proper housing, clean food, water, air, the environment and, yes, pest control, is much greater. We live in a country – in the tropics – where certain pests such as cockroaches thrive best. The question is: do we have to live with unwelcomed guests who not only seek to embarrass, but also make us sick? The answer is no. We can do better. Prevention is better than cure. This is why I believe that an effective Cockroach Control Programme is very important. Finally, to my colleagues in the curative and preventive services, reaffirm your promise to be faithful servants of all those committed to your care, patterning your life in accordance with the teachings of Christ, so that you may be a wholesome example to your people. Thank you. |