| Mr. Carlton Pickering |
Over the decade and a half of its existence, for the most part, KCN was the only local television entertainment that could be found on Anguilla’s cable network and has been the sole representative for many years as the island’s television media link to the wider world. In the attainment of its 15th Anniversary, KCN’s Chief Executive Officer and owner Carlton Pickering said “I am quite humbled on the accomplishments and strides that we at KCN were able to reach. It has been very challenging at times but with God’s help and the passion for videography and photography, KCN has made it thus far.” He went on to say “with invent of new technologies and the ease of communication worldwide, new and exciting things are in stored for KCN Anguilla in the near future. This is coupled with new exciting television programmes, along with more local and regional authentic programming as well”. KCN has developed over the years, from a 15 minutes programme pre-recorded in the living room of the CEO’s home, to recently, a fully functional 24 hours self sustained local channel, bringing to Anguilla authentic local and regional programming. Among the flagship programmes that can be seen on KCN are “Anguilla Diary Magazine”’, hosted by Rosanna Browne, “The Anthony Journal”, a programmed produced and hosted by Executive Director Anthony Pickering, KCN Sports Report, hosted presently by Carl Thomas and KCN Sports discussions programmes of all things sporting wise in Anguilla and further afield, produced by KCN and hosted by Mervin Saunders and former first class cricketer, Cardigan Connor, among others. The management of KCN wishes to express through this medium, its profound gratitude to the public for its unwavering support and commitment, especially those special Viewers to the local television entity over the years, in the form of their valuable comments and moral support. The CEO stated that special mention must be given to the National Bank of Anguilla for supporting the production company from the inception, Caribbean Commercial Bank, the Anguilla Social Security Board, Mini Lisa Bath and Body, South American Imports, and Tackle Box Sports Centre, for their monetary commitments and valuable input into making the company what it is today. KCN first started operations on October 1st 1996 on the then Network Community channel 9 and on All Island Cable Television in 1997 and has been on air continuously over the past 15 years. Colwayne A. Pickering Executive Director / Public Relations Kreative Communications Network / KCN Productions. |