| Arrival of Cardy’s body at Capt. Clayton J. Lloyd International Airport in Anguilla on Wednesday |
The pilot, who would have been 51 on September 10, died at his residence on September 7 in Puerto Rico. He was the brother of Kirby Hodge, who operates an Anguilla Air Express flight service to and from Anguilla as well as a jet charter service to various destinations.
 | Fly-past Salute by Pilot Cleophus Hodge |
Cardy’s body arrived in Anguilla with an impressive fanfare which included a salute and low fly past by another Anguillian, Cleophas Hodge (who lives in St. Thomas), flying Cardy’s Baron 58 aircraft. The plane then flew several times over his house at Island Harbour and on its return to the airport made the final fly past between the two fire tenders which were also part of the ceremony.
 | Pilots Gary Manion and Cardigan Hodge in Anguilla in 2009 (Anguillian’s archives) |
Cardy was Chief Pilot and Director of Flight Operations at Rainbow International Airlines. He was trained at the Ebenair Flight Center in Opalocaka, Florida. According to information from a family source, he had extensive aviation experience to the extent that he was known as the King Air “King”. He worked for Aero Virgin Islands, Four Star Aviation, Air Anguilla, Roblex and Rainbow International Airlines/Anguilla Air Express. He was the son of Ernest and Mathilda Hodge of Island Harbour, and the seventh of nine boys and two girls. He was affectionately called, was educated both in Anguilla and the United States. The family and business statement about his passing, written by Rose Hodge, went on: “Cardy was fearless and lived to fly doing long distances solo and not intimated by any challenges that may have confronted him. Daytime or night-time mattered not to him. If a flight had to be done, it had to be done. “Cardy was a one of a kind of pilot. He cannot be duplicated, cannot be replaced and will be missed by all in the aviation community. A frequent flyer with Anguilla Air Express, who has been flying with Cardy for the past two years, said in a tribute: ‘Cardy was the perfect combination of the ultra professional, highly competent as a pilot and a great charming friend; and a tour guide who was happy to share his plane with us.’ “Cardy was loved by his family, friends and the many passengers he transported with joy, due care and attention. He is survived by two dear daughters, one grandson, eight brothers, two sisters and their families; the aviation communities in Anguilla, St. Thomas, San Juan and Fort Lauderdale Executive. “His image at the San Juan airport, as he waited patiently on the other side of Immigration and Customs for his passengers to come through, will remain etched on the minds of those who used Anguilla Air Express between Anguilla and San Juan.” |