| Shanelle Hodge-Charles interviewing guests at Radio Anguilla |
The move is being taken by the Ministry of Health and Social Development in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organisation. This week’s programme was as follows: Monday, September 5: a Radio Anguilla programme featuring Dr. TomoKonda, consultamt on CNCDs and Mental Health along with Dr. Sherlon Hughes and Senior Health Educator, Jennifer Gumbs. The programme was conducted by Radio Anguilla’s Announcer,Shanelle Hodge-Charles Tuesday, September 6: The launch of the Chronic Care Passport at the Teachers’ Resource Centre. Thursday, September 8 at 5.00 a.m.: A walkathon starting at the Ronald Webster Park, down the George Hill Road, up through North Hill, along the Rev. C. L. Carty Road, across to the old Cottage Hospital building and back to the Webster Park.  | L-R: Jennifer Gumbs, Dr. Sherlon Richardson and Dr. Tomo Konda |
Friday, September 9:Caribbean Wellness Day 2011 activities with a grand health fair from 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. on the grounds of the Primary Health Care Department, sponsored by MASA. The arranged activities included free cholesterol checks, prostate, HIV/AIDS tests and blood pressure and blood sugar testing. Saturday, September at 5.00 a.m: A walkathon starting at the Ronald Webster Par, down the George Hill Road, up through North Hill, along the Rev. C. L. Carty Road, across to the old Cottage Hospital building and back to the Webster Park. The first ten persons to arrive for the walkathon will each receive a free pedometer. This will be followed by tone down exercises by Physiotherapist, Khalida Banks. |