| Pastor Kennedy Vanterpool |
He lectured in St. Lucia prior to arriving in Anguilla where he has just completed a series of seminars at Mount Fortune Seventh-day Adventist Church and at the Shemei/New Life GroupCrusade at Long Bay. “From Anguilla I will go on to St. Maarten to do some work there; then travel to Texas to spend some weeks with my family. After that I will go to Canada, Haiti, Jamaica and Uganda to do mission work,” he told The Anguillian. Pastor Vanterpool, who is based in Texas, runs Prosperity Ministries. “It is a concept that many people do not understand,” he explained. “If you read the Bible carefully, Genesis 39 verse 2 says: ‘And the Lord was with Joseph and he was a prosperous man’. Prosperity is really based on the concept of knowing God. We publish books; we go around the world wherever there is a need, and any church that sees the need for our ministry and gifts we go there and fulfill our work. That is why I am here in Anguilla, and why I am doing the seminars and workshops – going all around world to accomplish that. These seminars and workshops basically deal with the concept of empowering individuals; showing them how much they are created in the image of God and what they have been given: their potential, abilities and desire to succeed in life. They are all placed within us for our success…” He went on: “First of all, I see myself as an Adventist Pastor and then as a Minister of the Gospel. The Bible says ‘go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel’, and so I am trying to follow that commission. I not only go to the Adventist Church, but also to other churches which see the need for my services. On Sunday morning, for example, I will be at No Walls Church [in The Valley, Anguilla] ministering there; and in Texas there is a church which uses the books that I publish to teach Sunday school.” Some three years ago Pastor Vanterpool was in Anguilla, St. Maarten and St. Kitts-Nevis. He said that all of his trips were being financed by his independent ministries and any assistance from donors would be very much appreciated. |