| Immediate Past Present Carmen Hackett handing the gavel to the new president Shellecia Brooks |
Mrs. Renuka Harrigan, of the Arijah Children’s Foundation, gave the feature address. Mrs. Harrigan spoke of her personal journey in establishing the foundation – the Power of One. She described how her daughter was the guiding force behind her inspiration to start this not for profit organisation. She inspired all Optimists present as she spoke of her deep faith and the importance of looking outside ourselves and seeking help wherever we can to achieve our goals.
 | The new Optimist Board |
Past Lieutenant Governor, Emma Ferguson, conducted the induction ceremony. She added a twist to the induction by giving out tokens to all new board members. When she handed a snickers chocolate to the new President she said of leadership: “Leadership can be like a snickers bar …It can be great and fulfilling but, like caramel, it can also stretch you to the limit and sometimes it can make you feel nutty. But always remember that when you need a break, you can always grab a ‘snickers’.” Immediate Past President (IPP) Carmen Hackett passed the gavel on to newly installed President Shellecia Brooks. In her remarks, President Shellecia first thanked IPP Carmen for her leadership role in the club for the past two years. She said to the members present, “Of great importance must be each Optimist member’s unwavering commitment to the children of Anguilla – remember ‘the Power of One’.” Among the areas of focus for her Optimist year are an increase in community outreach, a stronger focus on Youth and more support for Junior Optimist Octagon International (JOOI) Clubs on the island. She pledged not only her own commitment to the responsibilities of the office but also that of her new Board. The new Optimist Board for the Optimist year 2011-2012 is as follows- President: Optimist Shellecia Brooks; Vice Presidents: Optimist Fritz Smith and Optimist Avon Carty; President Elect: Optimist Dilano Francis; Immediate Past President: Carmen Hackett; Secretary: Optimist Shauna Richardson; Treasurer: Optimist Patricia Harrigan; and Directors: Optimists Michelle Queeley, Velda Blackett, Damien Lloyd, Maria Hughes, Cleo Hamm and Maxine Alonzo. After the ceremony Optimists and friends engaged in fellowship while enjoying dinner prepared by Ambiance Club. The evening ended with a toast to the new President and Board. The new Optimist board is already hard at work with the planning of the clubs’ annual Race against Aids which will be held on the 26th of November 2011. The race is in its ninth year and the club is encouraging all Anguillians to come out and participate as we continue to raise awareness about the Aids epidemic. The Optimist Club of Anguilla is a not for profit organisation whose motto is ‘Friend of Youth.’ |