| Children celebrating new classroom block in song |
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Mrs. Chanelle Petty Barrett, who chaired the ceremony, delivered an address on behalf of Minister Edison Baird, who had another engagement.
 | Windsong’s representative cutting ribbon |
He was grateful for the completion of phase one of the school’s development project. He said the project was conceptualized on the need to provide adequate space, updated facilities and amenities for the staff and students of the primary school with the largest student population.
 | One of the Kindergarten Classes |
Mr. Baird observed that while the school had the biggest student roll of all the primary schools, it lacked space for such services as counselling, reading recovery, remedial reading, speech therapy, music education, and even normal classroom space was either insufficient or non-existent. As a result, effective delivery of these services was therefore compromised.
 | View of the new block |
“The long-time vision for the Valley Primary School is a modern two-storey facility…along the western and southern perimeters of the existing premises,” Mrs. Petty Barrett quoted Mr. Baird as saying. “When completed, the existing buildings, which are more than forty years old, will be removed and the area prepared to make adequate provision for sport and recreational activities.
 | Mrs. Petty-Barrett |
“This portion of the project, we dedicate today, was started due to the realisation that with a student population of 415, and growing, some of the students were housed in a trailer; and with increasing pressure being placed on existing service, this school was bursting at the seams and the time had come to act. “The Ministry and Department of Education are especially grateful for the contributions of those persons who were instrumental in bringing this project to fruition. In particular, we thank the technical staff of the Ministry of Infrastructure, the main contractor, Mr. Vincent Proctor, and his team, as well as all other contractors and their teams. “But we say a very special thank you to the Winsong (Anguilla) Foundation for literally coming to our rescue. If it were not for its generous contribution, we could not have this ceremony today.” Mr. Baird said the project was stalled due to financial constraints and the Government was unable to complete it. “At a meeting with Mr. Keithley Lake, a member of the Foundation, we told him about our plight and our Ministry submitted a request for funding along with a project proposal to the Windsong (Anguilla) Foundation. In a few weeks, funding for the project was approved and the project was re-started. Words cannot adequately express our gratitude to the Windsong (Anguilla) Foundation for its assistance in completing this project.” The Minister stated in his address that the completed block had set a new standard for the re-development of the island’s educational facilities and had assisted in alleviating some of the space constraints experienced at the school. Education Officer, Primary, Veda Harrigan, said in part: “We are humbled and very much appreciate the contribution made by theWindsong (Anguilla) Foundation through the office of Mr. Keithley Lake & Associates and for providing much-needed resources for use in the classrooms. Funding this project is an indication that you, the Trustees, realise the true value of education and the role it plays in nation-building.” Ms. Harrigan encouraged the teachers and students at the new block, and, the school as a whole, to continue to take care of the building and make maximum use of all the available resources. She said the community-at-large was expected to assist in reminding its children of the importance of a good education and caring for public property for future generations. Mr. GregoryRovenger, a representative of the Windsong Foundation spoke on behalf of Keithley Lake & Associates and the Trustees in Los Angeles and Las Vegas. He expressed gratitude to the Ministry and Mr. Baird for working out a proper budgeting and timing for the completion of the block. “Thank you very much. You have been a fantastic partner with us and we look forward to the possibility of working with you in the future again,” he added. The cutting of the ribbon was performed by a member of the Trustees. Principal of the School, Paula Edwards, thanked theWindsong (Anguilla) Foundation for its financial assistance. She said that this year there had been an increase inthe number of students occupying the kindergarten section of the school and that the provision of the new block was therefore timely. The building was blessed by Bishop Errol Brooks. |