| VVPS Graduating Class of 2011 in song |
The 10 boys and 4 girls graduated from the above primary school on June 28.
 | In celebration of the 40th Anniversary: Past students of the school representing the year they entered the then “Island Harbour Primary School” |
Mrs. Yvonne Webster-Lloyd, a past student at the school, now Manager of Ku Hotel, at Shoal Bay, delivered the feature address. She admonished the graduates in the class of 2011 to study hard, aim for excellence and be determined to achieve when they entered the Comprehensive School.
 | Family and friends at Graduation Ceremony Retiring Custodian Daphne Brooks (first row 2nd from left) |
“I urge you to remain as a team not only at school, but especially for matters like homework, special projects, SBA’s and school assignments, among other things,” Mrs. Webster-Lloyd, advised the graduating students. “If there is an area that you are struggling with or that you are weak in, then, your team-mate can assist and strengthen you…Always remember that you have within you the strength, determination and passion to reach for the stars to help change the world.” The Valedictory speech, entitled “Together we are Stronger”, was delivered by Jeslyn Johnson who largely reflected on his passage through all the grades of the school. He urged his fellow students to have a purpose in life, to work towards achieving it and to strive for excellence. “Failure should never be an option and we must never say ‘we can’t’ but should say ‘we will try,” he said. “If we don’t try, we will never find our true potential. Success is simple. Do what is right, the right way at the right time.”
 | Students in dance performance |
Young Johnson has set his sights high in life. “I would like to share my belief that ‘whatever the mind can conceive, the heart can achieve,’” he told the members of his graduating class. “My dream is to become a pilot someday, but if I want that dream to come true, I must work hard at everything I do. I will continue to work hard and succeed.
 | The School’s Choir in song |
“Fellow graduates I hope that all of you will do the same. Dream on. Don’t wait until everything is right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges and obstacles. Get started now. With every step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more successful.”
 | Jeslyn Johnson |
The tone of the graduation ceremony was set by the Principal of the school, Mrs. Tracelyn Hamilton, who gave the welcome and brief remarks. |