The Morris Vanterpool Primary School in East End held its graduation ceremony at the St. Augustine’s Anglican Church on Thursday, July 16th. It was the fifth such ceremony out of the series for the island’s six primary schools.
The occasion called for well-deserved celebration, as a wide cross-section of the tightly knit East End community turned out to proudly support the 16 graduates of their alma mater which has been recently dubbed the “Home of the Red Dragons”. Under the theme, “A Chosen Generation”, the graduates displayed a unique kind of patriotism for their school, as they boldly walked up the aisle swaying to the music of Rondell Positive’s “Mirror: We are the Change”. The Valedictorian was Ms. Jernai Weekes, while the Salutatorian was Ms. Abigail Campbell.

The Principal, Ms. Paula Etienne, presented the graduates after which Mrs. AnnMarie Campbell said the Prayer of Invocation. This was followed by a harmonious rendering of the National Song by two student alumni sisters, Zhanae and Azara Carter. Then Ms. Etienne formally recognized the dignitaries present and welcomed the audience.
Turning to the graduates, she said: “It is an honour and a blessing for us to be here celebrating this momentous occasion with you today. A virtual graduation could not replace what we are about to experience here. We can proudly say that your theme, ‘A Chosen Generation’ is an appropriate choice. Let’s give God thanks for His mercy in allowing us to be here, COVID-19 free.
“As you go forward on your journey of education, I encourage you to strive for excellence in all things. Resilience and perseverance are the tools for honing success. I express congratulations to each of you, Class of 2020, and I would like to say that as the ‘Chosen Generation’ you are not really leaving us, but you are just moving on to develop the skills needed to further enhance yourselves, so that you can better build your school which you now leave behind.”

The Keynote Speaker was a former student of the MVPS, Ms. Jasmine Ruan, who is currently a student in the field of Marine Biology at the Anglia Ruskin University in the United Kingdom.
Ms. Ruan exhibited a free spirit of finesse in delivering her address. She began: “ This is a very special honour for me, since ten years ago, I graduated from this school. It would not have been the very building that housed your classes, but it was with the same ‘Never say Fail’ spirit, nonetheless. So I am very delighted to be able to join in this wonderful celebration.
“Congratulations to you, the graduating Class of 2020. You should all be very proud of yourselves. You have done extremely well in pushing through all the obstacles that the past years have put you through. Your theme, ‘A Chosen Generation’, is quite befitting for it takes a chosen generation to be able to come out of a catastrophic category five hurricane — and a world pandemic — and still be able to accomplish this milestone in your lives.”
Ms. Ruan went on to insist to the graduates, that they must seek inspiration for their further development. “How or what inspires you?” she asked. “You often hear names like Michelle Obama, Michael Jordan and Bruce Lee. These are inspirational people who have made a difference in their fields, but what I want to point out is that we can find inspiration and role models everywhere — from books, shows, character, nature and music. Inspiration is all around us.

“Being able to draw inspiration from anywhere allows you to open your minds to all sorts of ideas. So, think outside the box, and embrace that individuality because it will indeed take you far.”
Ms. Ruan also expressed her appreciation for the parents, teachers and all others who made a contribution to the graduates’ success.
The Valedictorian for the 2020 Class was Ms. Jernai Weekes. During her speech she gave special recognition to God for His goodness in enabling her to achieve and reach her level of attainment. She began: “Good afternoon friends, family, ladies and gentlemen, education officials and parents. Before I begin, I would like to take a moment to thank my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, for His unconditional love and guidance, and for giving me the strength to face life’s many challenges.
“I would like to thank all of you for coming to support my classmates and me as we celebrate this very important milestone in our lives — our Graduation Day. I would also like to thank my parents, Irvin and Julien Weekes, for their unwavering love and support to me for my almost 11 years of life. In addition, I would like to thank the teachers who were instrumental in getting us through our years at MVPS.” (She asked the audience to join her in a round of applause for their teachers.)
Ms. Weekes continued: “This school year began with much excitement as we entered Grade Six. Little did we know that 2020 was going to be a year that we would never forget. A virus called COVID-19 would change life as we knew it. We were given orders to remain at home, practice social distancing and frequently wash our hands. We were required to adapt to the new system of home schooling.”
Jasmine Ruan
Ms. Weeks then reflected on the foundation that was laid for her at Central Christian School. She said: “I did not begin my primary schooling at MVPS, but I started out from the tender age of three at the Central Christian School. I was extremely heartbroken upon learning of the untimely closing of that school. Nevertheless, I stand her before you today as a testimony of the solid foundation given to me in the first few years of my primary education.”
She spent the rest of her address focusing on the theme “A Chosen Generation” elaborating on the privilege that there was in being chosen. “In 1 Peter 2:9,” she cited, “the Apostle Peter describes believers in Jesus Christ with these remarkable words: ‘but you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and a peculiar people that you show forth the praises of Him who has call you out of darkness into His marvelous light.’ So fellow-graduates, you and I can proudly say that we are chosen of God.”
Numerous excellent presentations and awards were issued to the graduates — academic awards from the school and from individuals and entities in the community. The graduates received these with a high degree of enthusiasm, and marks of appreciation were engrained upon their faces. Sponsors and contributors included: the Honourable Cora Richardson Hodge, the Honourable Jose Vanterpool, Mr. Osbourne Fleming, Mr. Colville Petty, Mrs. Sylvene Petty, Ms. Canita Ruan, Mr. Paul Petty, Ms. Roshina Parker, Ms. Tara Carter, Mr. Keithly Benjamin, Mr. James Hodge, Mrs. Anita Ruan, Mr. Orris Smith, Mr. Sam Webster and Delta Petroleum.
Special recognition was bestowed on five overall outstanding students: Jernai Weekes, Abigail Campbell, Shavin Narine, Marion Carter and Viorica Dudzik.
One of the highlights of the ceremony was the emotional farewell to the Principal of the school, Ms. Paula Etienne, who has ended her tenure at the school. In making a special presentation to Tr. Paula, a fellow teacher Shanelle Hodge-Charles, remarked: “Today is a rather bitter-sweet day, because we are not only letting go 16 of our ‘babies’, as they graduate to a higher level in education, but we are also letting go our ‘Mom’ as she unfortunately leaves us.”
Then with tears of emotion, Tr. Shanelle solemnly declared: “Today on behalf of the MVPS family, I present this award to Tr. Paula Etienne in appreciation for all that she has done for us at the MVPS. We thank you for your many years of dedication, Tr. Paula, and for your commitment to leadership in the realm of education in Anguilla.”
An emotional Tr. Paula with a falling tear, responded: “I don’t really like these kinds of moments,” she said. “I am truly moved. One of the reasons why I am emotional now is that when I look back on my journey at the MVPS, I realize that I am now at the end of that journey, and I am overwhelmed just realizing that the end is here for me at Morris Vanterpool. I would like to say to the Government of Anguilla, a hearty thank you. I do appreciate everything that have been bestored upon me.”
She continued: “To my family at the Department of Education, I say a big thank you. You have been supportive all along the way. I could not have carried this burden on my journey as ably as I have done, without you. And to the East End community, in particular, I wish to thank you for welcoming me with open arms to work among you. Sincere thanks! You have made life really comfortable for me. Thanks again!”
Also departing the school will be Tr. Shanelle Hodge-Charles and Tr. Leonard Telemaque. They will take up appointments at other primary schools at the beginning of the upcoming school year.
As the ceremony came to a close, a lively, enthusiastic Vote of Thanks was delivered by Salutatorian, Abigail Campbell, after which the presentation of the Graduates was made by Tr. Hamewatie Narine.
On behalf of The Anguillian, we extend hearty congratulations to the MVPS Class of 2020.
- Staff Reporter, James R. Harrigan