With the expiry of the first, a second Anguilla Youth Parliament was sworn-in on Tuesday, March 19, 2019, with members being given the parliamentary titles of the current Ministers and officials of Government and the House of Assembly.
Their appointments have virtually put them in a position similar to that of a shadow government – only that they are required to perform their roles within the ambit of a Youth Parliament, working in collaboration with the Government on matters of national interest.
The young parliamentarians, selected and trained under the auspices of the Department of Youth and Culture, hold the following positions in the Anguilla Youth Parliament 2019-2011:
• Speaker of the House – Nordisia Lake
• District 1 – Jibri Lewis (Leader of Opposition)
• District 2 –Tyeisha Emmanuel (Minister of Home Affairs and Education)
• District 3 – Jessica Hodge (Minister of Health and Social Development)
• District 4 – Kyrleson Lewis (Chief Minister, Minister of Finance, Economic Development, Tourism, Trade and Commerce)
• District 5 – Mya Lake (Ministerial Assistant, Ministry of Home Affairs)
• District 6 –Klein Harrigan (Minister of MICUH)
• District 7 – Levonda Delaney (Parliamentary Secretary, Tourism, Sports, Youth and Culture)
• First Nominated Member – Fidel Lim-Brooks
• Second Nominated Member and Deputy Speaker – Rhonica Connor
• Attorney General – Jinine Phillip
• Deputy Governor – Alysha Carty
• PRO/Back Bencher – Edwin Sutton
• Clerk of the House –Sage’ Connor
All of the appointed young people delivered brief addresses pointing out their plans, interest and commitment as members of the Youth Parliament.
The swearing-in ceremony was preceded by an opening prayer by Rev. Lindsay Richardson and addresses to the young people by several persons.
Mr. Bren Romney, Director of Youth and Culture, congratulated the young parliamentarians. “We are particularly pleased that you reached thus far and we want to thank you for your hard work and dedication over the past months,” he told them. “I enjoyed every opportunity to be part of the training process. I was rather impressed by the level of attention and your views on matters of national importance and more importantly your general love and commitment to Anguilla.”
Speaker of the House, Mr. Terry Harrigan, described the Youth Parliament as a two-way street. “You have the unique opportunity to learn about leadership, decision-making and the way parliament works, while we are providing the valuable insight into the issues that are most important to you,” he told the youthful parliamentarians.
“It is critical that your voices are heard and we in turn need to listen. The Youth Parliament is an excellent way of introducing the next generation of Anguillians to the institution of parliament…Your positive voices can only improve the quality of our democracy.”
Chief Minister, Mr. Victor Banks, among other matters advised the youngsters in part: “Your role as a youth leader is to contribute towards the overall development of Anguilla. That is the goal and objective that should be dear to your heart. It is not about you; it is about contributing towards the development of Anguilla so you should not take yourself so seriously that you feel you have to first take care of your responsibilities or concerns before you take care of the greater needs and responsibilities of the island.”
Minister Evans Rogers, who has responsibility for Youth Affairs, offered this advice to the members of the Youth Parliament: “Don’t be distracted by the naysayers. Once you are committed, you will succeed. When you invest in your youth, you are investing in sustainability for your nation. Please utilize every opportunity you have in terms of education and as a Government we are working to have scholarships available for young people, one by one. We are preparing you to take over this island and to lead us in the future.”
Parliamentary Secretary, Youth Development, Mr. Cardigan Connor, told the gathering: “This parliament provides an important opportunity for young people to actively engage in governance, critical thinking and decision-making. I congratulate all the youth parliamentarians now being sworn in. I trust that not only will this experience be beneficial to your personal development, but also to national development. Much is expected of you.”
Leader of the Opposition, Ms. Palmavon Webster, told the youth parliamentarians: “I urge you to ensure that you carry out effective consultations with your peers of all strands of our society so that your knowledge of the youth experience in Anguilla will be enriched. I additionally challenge each of you to listen to each other’s stories; and find a common ground so that a greater understanding and appreciation for each other can be achieved. Working together is critical to [bring about change] and the kind of change that will be beneficial for young people to move forward. It is only in this way that you will be able to fully represent the interest of your peers.”
Other speakers were youth leaders, Frederick Connor ?, who spoke on behalf of Neil Gumbs, President of the Anguilla National Council and Kaseem Forde, Dean of the Anguilla National Youth Ambassador Corps. They congratulated the members of the Anguilla Youth Parliament and pledged their support to them.