Mr. Charles Gumbs
I thank the R T. Rev. L. Errol Brooks, the Rev. FR. V. Menes Hodge who officiated at the funeral eucharist, the Rev. Fr. Samuel T. Knight and all the attendants who assisted at the service as well as the choir and congregation of St Mary’s Parish Church.
I thank the Government of Anguilla and the Royal Police Force for demonstrating their recognition of my father and conduction a dignified performance in honour of him.
I thank the staff and management of Rey’s Funeral Home for handling my father’s body in a dignified and professional manner.
I also thank the management and staff of The Anguillian newspaper for their insightful coverage of highlights of his life and death.

I thank the videographer, photographer and his staff for their coverage of my Father’s funeral.
Again, on behalf of my brothers and sisters, I thank everyone who was involved without father’s funeral and the Anguillian community for their support in our time of grief.
You all helped us through a very stressful time.
Arthur Gumbs on behalf of the family of the late Mr. Charles Gumbs
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)
Editor’s Note:
The Anguillian apologises for inadvertently printing the name Mr. Arthur Richardson instead of Mr. Arthur Gumbs in two of the captions in last week’s photographs of his Father’s National Funeral.