Fifth and sixth grade students, at the Valley Primary School, are still a long way from joining the workforce, but they have been exposed early to various careers as achievable goals.
Careers Day was held at the school on Tuesday this week. It was organised by the Guidance Councillor for Valley School and the Vivien Vanterpool School,Mrs. Vivienne Fleming.
“It is a day to expose the children to different careers which they can think about and pursue as goals,” Mrs. Fleming explained. “Many of our children come to school without any focus, and we are trying to get them to understand that education is very important in their future. Careers Day is therefore aimed at interesting the children to start thinking about what they want to be from a very young age.”

During the first part of the morning, the students in both grades were addressed by two motivational speakers: Pastor Dexter Welcome of the Dominion Faith Centre, and Director of Youth and Culture, Dwayne Adams. They both spoke on their careers and education.
Viceroy Anguilla was the largest private sector project represented at the school’s Careers Day. Teams representing Resort’s departments of landscaping, recreation, lifestyle, spa services and human resources, addressed several groups of students. Other career teams represented were Ani Art Academy, Black Orchid Florist and Jerry Richardson’s farm.