Just a couple decades ago, when the world was still civil and when civilization was relatively decent, one would have decried the claim which Anderson Cooper made recently about his sexual orientation. But the way the world has “matured” today, with regard to declining standards of morality, people may just shrug it off and respond by asking: “Who cares?” “If he gay, he gay!”
The popular host of “AC 360 – Keeping Them Honest” , honestly surrendered his conscience as he fiercely came out of the closet to boldly declare that he is gay, he always was, and he always will be. So, who cares? Well, we should all care.
In this age of modern humanism, it is socially acceptable to be a homosexual. The era has long passed when it was a shame to be an “anti”. Not only was it a shame, but there was an uneasy feeling of obvious guilt that surpassed the realm of stigma. Nowadays though, there is – with liberal, boastful conduct – a general trend of disrespect for sexuality. And whether one is homosexual or heterosexual, the norm is a high level of sexual boasting that breeds promiscuous lifestyles. This reckless kind of behavior is an indication of how far our moralities have declined.
In a few years’ time, if we’d continue at this rate with such blatant disregard for how to implement sexual sensations in the right way (or rather in the “righteous” way), then there is a stark risk that our youngsters would become confused, one by one, as they seek to figure out which “option” they should choose. And with the modernized “rights of the child”, nowadays, parents would hardly have any jurisdiction, or even the will, to influence their youths into choosing the right course.
In other words, once a child has a propensity to be homosexual or bi-sexual, according to law, parents must just allow him or her to choose without infringing on his or her “rights” to an individual’s sexual orientation. Obviously, both Cooper’s pronouncement, and President Obama’s permissible stance on homosexuality, have served, among other things, to bolster any trace of homosexual tendencies that any searching youngster might have.
Obviously, our societies place very little restraint on degrading the sanctity of sex. Whether on the homosexual or heterosexual front, people go overboard with a lack of honor for the human anatomy. In the name of culture, they dishonor the bodies – God gave them – without shame or reservation, especially in festive events, where immorality is usually rife. They fiercely speak and act in obnoxious overtones about sex, life’s greatest natural pleasure, which is an innate necessity for our being. Sex is a fantastic, natural phenomenon designed by God, the Creator. But according to His plan, sex must be executed exclusively and respectably between male and female. And it is essential for Anderson Cooper and folks like him to understand this truth.
It should be noted that I refer to this basic principle of sex as a truth. There is no grey zone when it comes to truth and error. To choose to adhere to truth is to conform to the right. Doesn’t our own local national song stress “let truth and right our banner be?” Well, it is naturally wrong to conform to error. But if we are resolved to conform to truth and right, then we must respectfully regard God’s principles for sexuality. The way we regard sex and sexual “rights” is a major contribution to a nation’s state of well-being. “Righteousness exalts a nation,” the scripture says, “but sin becomes a reproach to any people.” Homosexuality is in no way just another option for anyone’s preference. It is unrighteous. It is an offensive lifestyle in the eyes of the Creator; and it is outright sinful.
It seems as if we place more care on the things of life than on ourselves. Apparently, we have more respect for what man has made than the direction that God gives for our own well-being. When a manufacturer designs a machine, the team of engineers who put it together make sure that they provide specific instructions for the care of their product. GM, for instance, may specify an SAE # 30 grade oil for a 4.1 liter Cadillac engine.
One would be very foolish to defy the advice of the manufacturer by thinking it is perfectly OK to go ahead and fill that engine with Dextron transmission fluid instead of the specified #30 grade engine oil. It’s obvious! Engine oil is for an engine; transmission fluid, though it is a type of oil, is for a transmission – not an engine. A precious engine would be certainly ruined. So, why is it so essential to conform to a manufacturer’s specifications, while ignorantly avoiding God’s instructions for our moral well-being?
Granted, homosexuality is nothing new. It is almost as old as the world itself. A great example of its history is the condition ofSodomandGomorrahin the days of Abraham, Father of the Faithful. These cities were judged of God because they allowed lewd, debasing homosexual practices to corrupt their land. God had no other recourse but to destroy the inhabitants of the cities with fire. Yes, God had given up on them because they became so stubborn in their ways.
Are our liberal societies today teetering on the same fate? Certainly, God will judge. It might not be the destruction of an entire city, although it could be. We’d never know how he intends to judge before that ultimate final Judgment Day. But yes, He judges in catastrophic occurrences every once in a while.
The scripture says in Romans 1:27 “In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.” Let Anderson Cooper and all those like him be aware, for God cannot be mocked, and whatever a man sows, that is what he reaps. May those who are living without regard for their purity take due warning. God bless, ‘til next time.